Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Company Name Plus One Techno Co., Ltd.
Location 9-3,Yubarumachi, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi,Fukuoka, 807-0813, Japan
TEL :+81-93-644-6226
Start of Business November 27, 1996
Establishment February 4, 2013
Capital 30 million yen (30,000,000 yen)
Representative Suzuka Nohmi, President
Settlement Term Every September
Associated companies Yubaru Techno Group Co.,Ltd.
Japan Pipe-form Co.,Ltd.
Kyushu Iron Works Co.,Ltd.

Corporate History

  1. Production of “Petit Scale,” automatic weighing system (weighing unit) attached with on our patented Pipe Feeder Weighing System
  2. Production of “Weight Checker” which is designed to weigh ingredient works.
  3. Production of “Dump Lifter” to be attached to a dump hopper. Dump Lifter is designed to feed works into the upper hopper of Petit Scale, Pipe-Feeder-Attached Automatic Weighing System
  4. Production of “Pipe Form System,” Short Pipe Measuring & Reproduction System. Pipe Form System is designed to measure and reproduce short pipes, used for ships and plants, by measuring four (4) points of pipe-attachment spots.

Organization Chart